What is a Tesla Referral Code and how can it benefit you?

Rhys Adams
5 min readJul 17, 2019


From Twitter to YouTube, Facebook to Reddit, Tesla’s referral codes are everywhere online. But is there a benefit to you if you were to use one? What does the referrer get as a thank you? And yes there is a referral code at the bottom of this story.

Credit: Tesla.com

Since 2008, Tesla have been making fully electric cars and they are selling well! Yet, Tesla spend very little on marketing and rely on word of mouth, this can be either from current owners, influencers, vloggers and of course, traditional motoring journalists.

The Tesla referral code system really is an effective tool for the company, to encourage current owners to attract potential buyers of their electric cars. They do this with a range of incentives, which were crazy to begin with, offering exclusive home chargers, kids Tesla’s and even free cars, yes free Tesla cars!

Elon Musk and the business, realised that the old referral scheme was proving extremely expensive for the business and in the early days, most of the Tesla’s received free supercharging credits, so there was no point in giving these away. Nowadays, Tesla give away supercharging miles and a competition entry.

So whats the current Tesla referral scheme?

As of the 30th May 2019 and today’s story which is dated 17th July 2019, (Updated Sept 2019, referral codes will currently get both parties 2,000 supercharger miles) both the current owner and the buyer receives 1,000 supercharging miles. In addition to this, the owners who refer you to purchase, lease or PCP a Tesla also get entered into a competition to win a Tesla Model Y (Which has not yet been released) or a next generation Tesla Roadster (again, not yet released).

If the Tesla owner already receives unlimited supercharging, the 1,000 miles (2,000 miles – Sept 2019) won’t benefit them at all, so they receive extra entries into the competition. Tesla Model Y’s are drawn monthly, whereas the Tesla Roadsters are drawn once a quarter.

How do you use a Tesla Referral Code?

You can do this in three different ways effectively. You can visit one of the UK Tesla stores in the UK, their a sales person will effectively order you a Tesla Car via the internet. You can also use the Tesla codes with their used car inventory, which is really handy.

Online, is the most popular way, you use the online link that looks like https://ts.la/rhys58317 — Then go ahead and order your vehicle. If you are taking the car on a contract hire, lease or PCP. It’s always best to order the car this way, and then pass it on to the finance company along with the Tesla reservation number.

Credit: Tesla.com

Lastly, you can do this via phone. In the USA and you want to order the Tesla Model 3 Standard Range model, you just quote the referral code “Rhys58317” — As we know this Standard Range model is not yet available in the UK and with no release date, this may not actually appear anytime soon.

If you have already ordered a Tesla and forgot to give a reference code, then just give them a ring or send them an email with your Tesla reservation number, staff will always be helpful and add this to your order, so long as you have not already taken delivery.

How do you create a Tesla Referral Code?

It’s really easy, you need to either have a Tesla car on order or you need to own and be registered with Tesla. You can do this on their website at Tesla.com, then click on “Tesla Account” — Usually the referral code is on the front screen.

In the Tesla App, click on the treasure chest on the top right, here it will give you a code that you can share via SMS, email, messaging app or via social media. You can also check on the app to see how many people have ordered the vehicle and how many miles you have left in your account.

Can I refer myself to Tesla?

Yes, effectively this works if you are looking at adding an additional Tesla car to your family household. Just click the link, place the order and wait for the confirmation. Tesla may withdraw this feature in the future, but there are no signs as yet.

Tesla Referral Link

So, as I’ve written already at the top of this story, I will include my Tesla Referral Code. As part of this disclaimer, both parties (currently) receive 1,000 bonus supercharging miles when an order is placed. I will also receive a competition entry to win either a Model Y or a Tesla Roadster.

Link to use online: https://ts.la/rhys58317
Referral Code to use via phone: Rhys58317

What are your thoughts on the current Tesla Referral Scheme?

What do you think of the current Tesla referral scheme? Do you think that this offers enough for people to share their referral codes to help build Tesla as a brand? Would you like to see any changes? Do you think the bloggers/influencers have spoilt and exploited the system?

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Rhys Adams
Rhys Adams

Written by Rhys Adams

I live in a beautiful town called Belper on the edge of the Peak District with my wife Rebecca. I enjoy writing, photography and gadgets.

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